Doesnt fit
I was disappointed with this helmet. It had a few nicks and scratches in the polystyrene when it arrived but I could look past that. The box was a bit crushed. It did not come with reflective rear stickers as advertised. The light works good and the main reason for purchasing. Nice blue metallic colour. I got the unisex sized one 51-59cm. My head is 55.5cm but the fit system did not hold my head at all. As i tightened it the helmet raised up higher and higher off my head. It would fall off dialled at any tightness or looseness. Perhaps it doesnt work well with hair but I found the same size Lazer Compact helmet hugged my head and didn't budge. It fits my husband's bald head though so we have swapped helmets. A shame, its such a pretty blue. Delivery was very fast.