This bike has wings
This is my 5th mountain bike and the best. My last bike was a high-end full carbon bike with great kit. This bike just wants to fly when you start point it downwards, even if it's a gentle slope. Within the first two weeks, I've ridden several of the usual trails and it just takes off and I've enjoyed the trails more. Not only does it want to speed down the slopes, it also just launches itself off any kind of edge or bump. This characteristic is also matched with great brakes which can stop sooo quickly. So the components are outstanding. I'd perhaps changed the cranks, although they aren't bad, I just prefer my previous XTR cranks. The only drawbacks so far are its weight, the noise of the frame compared with the previous carbon frame and I think the wheels are too much towards the aggressive enduro rider rather than the trail all mountain rider that this bike appears to be aimed at. It's a reasonable climber considering its weight and tackles technical, rooty and rocking climbing quite well. Highly recommend this bike.