Save your rims, use these brake pads
The composition of the rubber in these pads are an excellent match for aluminimu rims, especially if the rims are made of the aluminium found on entry level bikes. "Other brands" can be too hard or gritty, and may cause excessive wear. These won't, gauranteed. They are twice the price of cheaper alternatives, so you'll have to calculate the economic sweet spot between how much riding you do, the cost of new pads, and the cost of a new wheel. They are 99% silent in all conditions and will lock a wheel easily once worn in. No special tricks to installation. If they squeal, its most likely because the distance between brake pad and rim is too great, or your rims are dirty. On a ride, just pump/touch the brakes very lightly for a few metres until the grime clears and all will be well. How long they last depends on overall wieght of bike and rider, the terrain, and riding style. Mine last about 5 months.